Friday, February 19, 2010

First Recording

It's been over a year since I started this blog, but never posted anything. Here's the first meat.

I ended up doing a cover of O Sanam, by Lucky Ali. This is not only my first take of the song, but also my first attempt ever at recording something real. Needless to say, my music and my recording process both have a long way to go.

As far as music goes, I think I am closer to singing in the key than I've ever been before in my life. It still doesn't happen consistently and I wander off often, but I think I have a better sense of realizing when I am in the key and when I am not. I might be completely wrong about it though.

As far as the recording process goes, minimizing or getting rid of the white noise in the background is probably step #1. Using a better microphone is probably step #2.

Here's the link to the recording again. Hopefully its not a torture. Feel free to leave me feedback and comments.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The First String

This first one is for good luck. Here's hoping that the strings keep strumming for scores of years to come! :)